May 15 - 17, 2025
Check-in starts on Wednesday, May 14th
Find Mark Dennis on the hill or at 7:00pm
in the K-18 Cafe in Lucas, Kansas
Registration Fee
Combat Entry Fee
ODR Entry Fee
Unlimited Entry Fee
Warbird Entry (Free)
Dream Flight Entry (Free)
Saturday Night Banquet - Pick #
T-Shirts - Pick a Size
Current AMA membership is required to fly during the event at Wilson Lake Reservoir, Kansas. Please, no exceptions. This event is AMA sanctioned and permitted by the local Army Corp of Engineers. As most people use 2.4, we no longer use a frequency board, but there are one or two people still using 72mHz and we will try get those people in contact with each other to coordinate frequencies. We have special permission for vehicle access to the "airport hill" for Wednesday - Sunday. Please obtain permission from a ranger if you want to drive to airport hill other than those days. Without permission, the Corp does not permit vehicles off of the road surfaces, except in designated parking areas. Help us keep a good relationship with the Corp.
Online registration starts on January 1, 2025. The cost for online registration is $15.
If you are planning to order a T-shirt or stay for the Saturday evening banquet, please register online before or on May 1st. Otherwise, you may not be able to receive a T-shirt.
All events are limited to one plane per frequency except 2.4 GHz. **If you can be flexible on channel assignments, please let us know so that we can have as many participants as possible.**
All events are $10 each except for the Warbird Race and the Dream Flight Race, they are free. Saturday Night Banquet menu will be prime rib, mashed potato, vegetable, salad, roll, and dessert, or you may order off the menu. T-Shirts are $15 for sizes up to XL. Larger sizes will be available at $18. (Subject to change).
**If you are planning on paying online through PayPal using a credit card, please make sure you fill out both forms - Registration Information Form and the Pay Online Form.** If you were entered last year and your contact information is the same you only need to fill out the Paypal form.
If you are sending a check, please fill out the Registration Information Form only.
If mailing a check, make all checks payable to Wings Over Wilson and mail check to:
Mark Dennis, 13412 W 57th Street, Shawnee, KS 66216
NOTE: Once your check has been received your information will be added to the website.