May 15 - 17, 2025
Check-in starts on Wednesday, May 14th
Find Mark Dennis on the hill or at 7:00pm
in the K-18 Cafe in Lucas, Kansas
Windrider -
Grandma's Soda Shop, Wilson, KS
Made From Scratch Restaurant, Wilson, KS
K-18 Cafe, Lucas, KS
Meridy's Restaurant and Lounge, Russell, KS
Leach & Naegele Hardware, Lucas, KS (785) 525-6265
Home Oil Service, Lucas, KS (785) 525-6366 or (800) 290-1582
Troy's Grocery, Lucas, KS (785) 525-6255
Rodrick & Minear Funeral Home, Lucas, KS
Aerospace Composite Products (ACP) -
Micro Fasteners -
Ruth - Erik's best girlfriend